Category Archives: Crafts

The countdown has started…

6 days until Clay's first first birthday party.

9 days until Clay's first birthday & first trip to the zoo.

11 days until Clay's 12 month checkup & Tennessee.

12 days until Clay's second first birthday party.

Phew. That makes me tired just typing that. We are going to be busy the next couple of weeks! There's lots going on around here so let's just get to it:

Party update:

I haven't gotten nearly as much done as I wanted to but at this point everything is planned, the work just has to be done.

I finished the invitations:

I made them in the Beautiful Mess app then just texted them to everyone.

The decorations are coming…

I'm almost done with the footballs for the monthly picture banner and the cans to hold utensils. After those two things are done, the rest should be fairly simple: putting pictures in frame, putting some footballs and “Clay's first birthday” on the backdrop.

Oh, you know, except the koozies. Because I have to make 20. And they're only half done. Erk.

Six. Days.

Weaning. Sleeping. Climbing.

The weaning is…well, not happening. I wanted to just do cold turkey but he's still in the infant classroom and I'm afraid that seeing the younger babies with their bottles will completely mess up the process. Oh, and in case you're wondering, the signs I was talking about a few weeks ago say that the 22nd and 26th of this month are the best days for weaning. So maybe?

The sleeping is…not happening consistently. Yuck.

The climbing is…happening on everything. He's wearing me out…we've definitely entered toddler life.

However, he is possibly the happiest baby I've ever met (I promise I'm not just saying that) and he eats SO well. Like to the point where I'm so confused about why he is still able to fit in 0-3 month onesies…

28 Days of Clay

To celebrate Clay's birthday I've been choosing my 28 favorite pictures of Clay and sharing one each day. Here's what I've got so far:

So there we have it. Now you're caught up on all things Clay 🙂

Linking up with Mommy Mondays!
Mommy Mondays


Paint Chip Calendar

Pinterest. We’ve all been there (well, if you haven’t, you should). Anyway, after hours of pinning I decided to take on this project:
Paint Chip Calendar

So I set out today and gathered my supplies


-frames- I’m doing one for this month, one for the next. I found these 11 3/4×15 3/4 frames for $9.99 each at Ikea but you could save money and use one you have around the house!
-fabric- I found these fat quarter squares at Walmart for .99 each! Again, you could use something you had around the house already.
-paint chips- Originally I was going to use individual chips and cut them to size but then I noticed these had seven colors on each- perfect!
-adhesive- I picked up this Peel n Stick tape at Walmart for $3.92. Honestly, regular double sided tape probably would work just as well.
-pen, paper, tape measure- you’ll only need these items if you’re anal like me and everything has to be spaced exactly.

-cover the back of the picture frame with fabric
-determine where you want to place the chips
-have a handsome co-crafter
-attach chips with your choice of adhesive
-put back on frame

Honestly, I kind of liked the way it looked like that but alas, I need a calendar so here’s what it looks like now:

I’m very pleased with the way this turned out and can’t wait to make more for gifts! Oh, the possibilities…different frame and fabric choices and so many paint chip choices!

I’ll call my first Pinterest project a win!


Look ma! Coffee inspired art for my kitchen!

So I made the very adult decision that I finally need to pick colors for my kitchen. Drumroll please…the new colors of my kitchen are kelly green and cobalt blue with a coffee theme.

On to my craft… I’ve recently been inspired by my friend Amy to be more crafty. I’m good with things that have a specific pattern (crocheting) but I’m not very artistic so I’ve been apprehensive about starting anything. Inspired by my new decision I decided to embark on a project to make something for my kitchen.

Here’s what I did:

12×12 canvas
Acrylic paint
Paint brushes
Coffee beans
Mod Podge glue

I painted the canvas with two coats of the paint with an hour dry time between and after.


I laid out the coffee beans how I wanted them on the canvas.


I glued on the coffee beans with Mod Podge glue. At first I was doing them individually but I realized since it dries clear it’s easier to brush on sections of glue then apply the coffee beans a section at a time.

Hang. Admire.


After I finished the mug, I decided to make it a mate.

